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What are the next game-changers in media?
The Big Thaw is a major new study about how organizations will succeed in the new media landscape.
The study by Q Media Labs was released by The Media Consortium,
a group of 45 leading independent media organization such as Mother Jones, The Nation &

"The Big Thaw did several things that were nearly impossible.
It described the state of the practice with authority and
absolute clarity, without for a moment pretending that... (
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What surprised me most about The Big Thaw is that, despite the
breathtaking rate of change, I still find myself referring back to it..."
– George Gendron, former Editor-in-Chief of Inc. Magazine,
Founder/Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Clark University

"If you care about the future of media, read every page."
– Jason Barnett, The Uptake, a cutting-edge citizen journalism organization

"The Big Thaw doesn't waste time clinging to outdated notions
or bemoaning the economic trajectory of traditional journalism.
It confronts the realities of a new paradigm in media.
We tell our  students that they will shape the future of media.
They will. And studies like The Big Thaw help light the path."
– Jean Folkerts, Dean, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Journalism & Mass Communication

"The Big Thaw maps how we can truly bring innovation to journalism.
Tony Deifell ran a great day-long training at Stanford for our Innovation
Journalism Fellows from Finland, Mexico, Pakistan, Slovenia & Sweden."
– David Nordfors, Center on Innovation Journalism at Stanford University

"refreshingly different from every other report published this year
(including our own) ... the report’s strength rests on the authors’ ability
to bring remarkable clarity to the complex transitions taking place in
our media, and to outline clear & achievable next steps for independent
media to survive, thrive & recreate themselves for the future."
– Josh Stearns, Free Press, full review

"a must-read for anyone trying 'save journalism'
...a rich repository of observations, anecdotes and predictions"
– Jessica Clark, The Center for Social Media, American University, full review

The Future